Sunday, May 22, 2011

100 random facts about me~

Because like, everyone else is doing it. Like.
  1. I hate writing about myself in this sort of way, which recently led to me getting owned by a communications assignment.
  2. I am terrible at making decisions. Maybe it's because I'm a Libra, but I think it's more that I'm a dumbass.
  3. I'm a cat person. 
  4. Dogs are okay, but cats are better.
  5. Hurr.
  6. I'm sort of hungry but not? God that's annoying.
  7. Two things in my life, interest-wise, have been constant: writing, and weird things. 
  8. Certain people will remember in primary school how I had a group of people goggling at a ghost pictures website in fascination.
  9. Recently I keep wondering how my own place (or sharehouse room, dorm room, whatever) will look like.
  10. But let's face it, I probably won't move out til I'm like 50.
  11. I have never fully finished a novel in the revised, orderly, makes the slightest amount of sense way.
  12. This annoys me really, really bad.
  13. I know for a fact that I'd enjoy an English sort of uni course more than I do psychology, which I've always liked, but I don't love. 
  14. That being said, I am a psychology student, and maybe that will help me figure out why I'm so derrrrp.
  15. The movies are good for guilty pleasure/lulz, but Twilight (books especially) kind of disgusts me.
  16. I have too many books for my bookshelf and keep tripping over them.
  17. I keep tripping over the fan too, even though it's winter, I'm just too lazy to move it elsewhere.
  18. I've never been determinedly in one place with religion.
  19. I was a straight out atheist for several years.
  20. Now I'm agnostic and researching different paths. I don't know where I'll end up (if I'll end up anywhere at at all).
  21. I used to be really really tanned, now I be pasty.
  22. People have mistaken me for being Italian, pastiness aside.
  23. Pokemon is cool ya'll.
  24. I'm fairly indifferent to the concept of marriage, wearing the dress would be cool though. :3
  25. That being said to marry someone I'd have to know I wanted to be with him for like...not necessarily til death to us part, let's be reasonable yo. 
  26. But tying myself down in that way to someone I'm not totally in ~lasting love~ with is kind of a fail. brb watching more Disney movies
  27. I am a horrible procrastinator.
  28. I can never follow anything through. 
  29. Except maybe this list, we shall see
  30. Your mum
  31. God, soluble panadol is disgusting. It's literally one of the worst things I've ever tasted.
  32. Srs. Just go for the tablets.
  33. I don't ever want to be codependent on someone. Bleh.
  34. I don't think I'll ever have kids. I would just be a terrible parent, and ~that's a fact~
  35. Sometimes I amuse myself with the idea of writing a memoir kind of thing. 
  36. Then I'm like, you can't even finish this list.
  37. The best way to make sure I do something is to tell me I can't do it.
  38. I forgive too easy.
  39. That being said, I don't forget. Ever. Whoops.
  40. Until this year I never pictured being a psychologist except as a 'lol' thing.
  41. I am clumsy.
  42. I'm good with actual computers, just not...keeping them...working?
  43. Basically I'm pretty 'herp derp' with keeping computers alive.
  44. I'm superstitious.
  45. I am terrible at trusting people.
  46. I read even when I have "more important" things to do.
  47. The same thing goes a hundred fold for writing.
  48. I wish I could live in New York.
  49. I wish I could go to New York at all.
  50. This will probably never happen, and I'm fully aware of that.
  51. I've lost contact with a lot of people from high school already.
  52. It's probably my fault, but I'm not the most social person evar.
  53. This is something I wish I could change about myself.
  54. When people say 'how are you' I always say 'hi'.
  55. Always.
  56. In any environment.
  57. I take the pickle off my McDonald's burger.
  58. I always forget to ask for no pickles, and that seems like a time suck - I want my burger damn it.
  59. Even though a recent period of my life was, I probably wouldn't change it.
  60. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger etc.
  61. For all my faults I am determined as a mofo.
  62. I like to think I'm on a gradual upward slope.
  63. As opposed to blindly tumbling off a mountain or a very high trampoline.
  64. Being able to sing would be cool, but I don't care. I sing horribly anyway.
  65. Deal with it ya'll
  66. I eat too much junk food.
  67. I exercise more, though.
  68. I know that's still a fail.
  69. I spend too much time on the internet.
  70. But not as much as I used to.
  71. If I had to pick a defining moment or something? Graduating high school. See #37.
  72. I think I'm only coming into my own as a person very recently. I don't know if anyone has noticed the change, but I have.
  73. Blogging is okay.
  74. I always need a watch or some kind of time-discerning object. I just have to know the time.
  75. My attention span is terrible.
  76. U jelly?
  77. Winter > summer.
  78. Except the beach, which is like the only pro of summer.
  79. I nap a lot. A LOT.
  80. I am claustrophobic as all hell.
  81. I read too much into the trivial things and not enough into what's important.
  82. I can't take my own advice but I can cheerfully dispense it to everyone else.
  83. I'm left-handed.
  84. I am really, and I mean hardcore embarrassing bad at maths. Like really bad.
  85. Really baaad
  86. Night time > day time.
  87. Until you get to know me on a fairly strong level, I am very quiet.
  88. Only since I came to uni have I actually put real thought and effort into my assignments.
  89. Certain people have refused to give up on me. It's appreciated, even if I'm a jerk and don't say it.
  90. I have a really ridiculous laugh.
  91. This is particularly unfortunate because of my tendencies to laugh at everything/nothing, and also at really inappropriate times.
  92. If you hear hysterical cackling in the seriousness it's probably me.
  93. Or a hyena.
  94. I don't drink or smoke.
  95. Drugs are bad m'kay
  96. I collect TV box sets.
  97. I don't care about Blu-Ray.
  98. 3-D movies? Eh.
  99. I'm still kind of hungry
  100. And in the words of Robert Frost: “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.”


Gojo said...

YAY for doing something because everyone else is :3
LOL @ 8. Pretty sure your ghost websites kept me up at night as a kid.
LOL 36.
Dude I never nap. Ever. I can't. O_O
Heh, 90. My laugh changes quite often, and right now I tend to squeak. Which is embarrassing.
I love point 100.
For 89, I can't be a hundred percent on who you're referring to. But just know that I will never give up on you <3

Lainey said...

LOL maybe you were just a chicken of a primary school student. lulz

Back atcha bro :3

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